Excel forgets window location but Word remembers

  • Thread starter Dennis Fleisher
  • Start date

Dennis Fleisher

I upgraded to Office X and I'm finding out what's different compared to Office 98.

I use 2 monitors on a Powermac G4. I have always used the second monitor (smaller and off to my side) for my timesheet (in Excel) so I could log my hours as I worked. It had been my established work habit to have my timesheet in the Mac Startup Folder, and when I turned on my Mac at the beginning of the day, my timesheet would open automatically on the second monitor. But, to get it to open on the second monitor, I had to be sure to save it from it's position on the second monitor

In Office X, however, this has changed. I save my timesheet on the second monitor, but it always reopens on my main monitor. I wondered if this was a "global" change across all Office programs, so I tried it with Word. But, Word seems to follow the previous behavior, i.e., if I save a document located on monitor 2, it will reopen on monitor 2

How do I get Excel to behave the same way

Thanks for any assistance


Jim Gordon MVP

Hi Dennis,

Have you installed the office updates?

-Jim Gordon

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Dennis Fleisher

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the quick reply.

No, I have not installed any of the MS Office updates. My "Get Info" box says that I've got Microsoft Excel, Service Release 1. So. I'm sure that I'm a little behind on the update curve. But, I've been holding off on updating because of various (and hugely inconsistent) reports about problems with updates. However, I've heard the same sorts of reports for Mac OSX, and I have not found any problems with those updates. I know we're talking about two entirely different institutions, but I know that the rumors mills for both need to be taken with a grain of salt.

I WILL do the updates . . . soon. But, can you tell me? Has the problem (bug/feature) that I mentioned been SPECIFICALLY addressed in any of the updates?

Also, I have found that of all the software I use routinely, MS Word is the only one that crashes fairly regularly (about once per day). I am still on the uphill side of my learning curve with OSX (Panther), and it's been over 10 years since I've worked with Unix on an everyday basis. But, I'm a pretty savvy old cuss, and I'd have to say that my biggest concerns for stability are, for the moment, with MS Word. (My schedule won't be back to "normal" until next week, so I won't be using Excel on a daily basis until I'm back in my "normal" work mode. My only problem with Excel so far has been this window forgetfulness thing.)

Finally, in the really old days, when I had consistent crashes with major commercial software, I'd drop into Macsbugs and get on the horn to programmers - some of those calls were to MS programmers though, again, that was many moons ago. But, is there some kind of info or bug reports you folks would like to have?

Again, thank you for your reply.


Jim Gordon MVP


I'm pretty sure that the service release version is what fixed that problem.

It seems that perhaps your toolbars have become undocked. Try grabbing the
left edge of each toolbar and reposition at the top of the window. There's a
"sweet spot" where they are "docked."

-Jim Gordon

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