Excel forgets window location on second monitor - reprise


Dennis Fleisher

Dear MS Support

I brought up this issue a few weeks ago. (See details below.) I have run all of the updates and the problem remains

This is a bug, not a feature. Please put this on the list of fixes to be implemented in a future update

Thank you


I upgraded to Office X and I'm finding out what's different compared to Office 98.

I use 2 monitors on a Powermac G4. I have always used the second monitor (smaller and off to my side) for my timesheet (in Excel) so I could log my hours as I worked. It had been my established work habit to have my timesheet in the Mac Startup Folder, and when I turned on my Mac at the beginning of the day, my timesheet would open automatically on the second monitor. But, to get it to open on the second monitor, I had to be sure to save it from it's position on the second monitor.

In Office X, however, this has changed. I save my timesheet on the second monitor, but it always reopens on my main monitor. I wondered if this was a "global" change across all Office programs, so I tried it with Word. But, Word seems to follow the previous behavior, i.e., if I save a document located on monitor 2, it will reopen on monitor 2.

How do I get Excel to behave the same way?

Thanks for any assistance,


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