Excel form file



I have an Excel form file with 10 fields that I send to different
customers to complete. I THen would like to summarize the data in a
log or database.
I can't link the cells because I am sending
them to outside companies.I would like to have a log or database that
all of my received files. I have to keep in Excel.

for example,
my form would look like this...

Name: Joe Smith Company: ABC Co
Address: 123 Oak
Description: Red, Green, Large
Amount: 10.50

my log file would look like this...

Name Company Address Desc Amt
Joe Smith ABC Co 123 Oak Red,Green, Large 10.50

next form etc....

What would be the best way to write a mcaro to do this.



You didn't give locations of where the data is located which would help. I
would store all the excel files when you receive them in one directory (or
multiple directories). Then write a macro that opens all the excel files in
a predetermined directory and merge the data into a summuary worksheet. You
can set up a rule that will automatically save the e-mail in a predetermined

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