Now that we are using the spreadsheet. I have been faced
with the question: How do we stop the formula from processing if the patient
has either had an appointment or surgery? The simple answer in my mind lies
in Columns F & G or J & K. Column F & G asks does patient have an
appointment and we just place an x in the Yes or No column. The same is true
in J & K except there we ask is the patient having surgery Yes or No. It
would seem if we put a "X" in one of those columns then we could stop the
clock so to speak. So I'm thinking, I need a STOP statement stating if
column J or K has a text entry "X" then stop processing formula in column E,
Alert Status.
=IF(OR(AND(C4="E",D4>=7),AND(C4="U",D4>=30)),"ALERT",IF(AND(C4="R",D4>=120),"Review",""),AND(J4="X",STOP E4),OR(K4="X", STOP E4))
Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all your help
with the question: How do we stop the formula from processing if the patient
has either had an appointment or surgery? The simple answer in my mind lies
in Columns F & G or J & K. Column F & G asks does patient have an
appointment and we just place an x in the Yes or No column. The same is true
in J & K except there we ask is the patient having surgery Yes or No. It
would seem if we put a "X" in one of those columns then we could stop the
clock so to speak. So I'm thinking, I need a STOP statement stating if
column J or K has a text entry "X" then stop processing formula in column E,
Alert Status.
=IF(OR(AND(C4="E",D4>=7),AND(C4="U",D4>=30)),"ALERT",IF(AND(C4="R",D4>=120),"Review",""),AND(J4="X",STOP E4),OR(K4="X", STOP E4))
Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all your help