Excel formula question



I am creating an audit tool that I want to be able to automatically populate
a report with recommendations. I have a Yes/No/NA cell in my checklist
worksheet that when the NO option is selected it will automatically populate
the corresponding recommendation in the report worksheet. The code
"=IF(Checklist!C20="NO",Checklist!D20)" is used in the report worksheet to
make that work.

My problem is that when the YES or NA options are selected on the checklist
worksheet, the applicable row in the report worksheet remains, but with the
word "FALSE" in the columns that would normally contain the corresponding
recommendation and the reference data.

How do I configure the report worksheet to totally ignore the corresponding
question on the checklist worksheet when the YES or NA options are selected?

If I'm not making myself clear, I'll be happy to e-mail the file to you so
that you can see exactly what I'm talking about.

Many thanks to anyone who can help me.

Dave Peterson



I added the ELSE portion to your =IF() function.



My error :)....I forgot the comma. So now the "FALSE" no longer is
displayed, but the row still remains with four empty columns. So your
recommendation got rid of the "FALSE" notation...but I'd really like it so
that the report doesn't even contain the row. Is there a way to do that?

Thanks again.

Bill638 said:
Hi Dave,
When I added the "" to the formula I received an error message.

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