Excel formula question...



I need an if, then formula that will display sheet 2 B1 if sheet3 B3= sheet 2
B32, but I also need it to have a range of displays that if could equal.
Basically I have a sheet of numbers that add up and increase each day for a
list of stores and I need to rank the totals (which I have done) now that
the totals are ranked, the spreadsheet is displaying the totals (numbers)
ranked and I need it translate those numbers into the title of the cell they
are the totals for(B1, C1, D1, etc.)


I am using google spreadsheets and the formulas listed in the documents you
linked to still will not give me what I am looking for. Is there a specific
formula you know of that will do it? or could you create one with some info?
I want it to display the text (sheet2 B1:AF1) based on the rankings of
sheet3 B3:B33

T. Valko

I am using google spreadsheets

I don't know anything about the Google spreadsheet app. I don't know if it's
100% compatible with Excel.

You need to provide more details. Where do you want the results to appear?
The results based on the rank, ok, based on the highest ranks or the lowest
ranks? Are there any duplicate ranks?


Yes there are duplicate results, they need to be ranked from highest to
lowest, and I want the answer (text from sheet2 B1:sheet2AF1) to appear in
sheet3 C3: sheet2 C33

T. Valko

Ok, I don't fully understand your setup and how things are related.

sheet2 B1:sheet2AF1 = store names

sheet3 B3:B33 = rankings

How do the ranks relate to the store names?

Is sheet3 B3 the rank for the store in sheet2 B1
Is sheet3 B4 the rank for the store in sheet2 C1
Is sheet3 B5 the rank for the store in sheet2 D1



Not exactly. Sheet2 B1:AF1 is all the store names.

Sheet3B3:B33 is the totals, but sheet3 B3 is not going to be sheet2 B1. It
could be sheet2 V1, or W1, etc. depending on which team is ranked first.
Sheet3 B3:B33 hold the rankings B3= #1, B4 = #2, etc. I ant the store whose
total is in sheet3 B3 to show up in sheet3 C3. The number that is in sheet 3
B3 will = the number in sheet 2 B32:AF32. depending on the rank. The totals
for all the stores are listed in sheet 2 B32:AF32, these totals are then
ranked 1-31 in sheet3 B3:B33.

T. Valko

Sheet3B3:B33 is the totals
Sheet3 B3:B33 hold the rankings B3= #1, B4 = #2, etc

That's not very clear.

At this point I'd need to see the file to figure out what you're trying to
do. If you want me to take a look at the file let me know how to contact
you. Or, maybe you can upload the file to free file host (or maybe you have
access to an ftp server) and can post a link to the file.

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