Excel Formula to Access Query - Time Between 2 Dates in Weeks



I have an excel formula that calculates the # of weeks between two date fields:
Where B=Date2 and A=Date1. Not all date fields have a value and sometimes
the two date fields are the same. Here are the possibilities and the desired

Date1 Date2 Result
Null Null Null
x y (y-x)/7
x x 0.14
x Null (Today()-x)/7

So I want to convert my Excel formula to an Access Query using Access 2002.
I have done some simple IIf statements but get very mixed up if I try to
nest. Any suggestions on where to look for the structure of formulas in
Access? Excel makes it so easy with the If(logical_test,[true],[false])
guide there for you. Thanks!


Here is two ways to do it ---
SELECT Your_Table.Date1, Your_Table.Date2, DateDiff("w",[Date1],IIf([Date2]
Is Null,Date(),[Date2])) AS [Whole Weeks], DateDiff("d",[Date1],IIf([Date2]
Is Null,Date(),[Date2]))/7 AS [Fractional Weeks]
FROM Your_Table;

Michel Walsh

iif( Date2=Date1, 0.14, ( Nz(Date2, Date() ) - Date1 ) / 7 )

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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