Excel formula


David franklin

I need some help Please. not sure how to write a formula? Description of what
I want.:

if cell is equal to 48 or less then I want to add 3 to the cell but if cell
is greater the 49 then I want to add 6 to cell Can some one help Please. I am
new with excel and am not sure how to do this.. Thanks

Stan Brown

Sun, 3 Feb 2008 19:04:06 -0800 from David franklin
I need some help Please. not sure how to write a formula?

if cell is equal to 48 or less then I want to add 3 to the cell but
if cell is greater the 49 then I want to add 6 to cell

And if it's equal to 49?

The first step in writing a formula is to get clear on what you're
trying to do.

David franklin

Sorry if question is not clear. if cell is 48" or less I want to add 3" to
the cell examples (48+3=51) (25 + 3 =28) if cell is 49 or greater the I want
to add 6" to cell (50 +6 =56) ... in one cell (c11) I will put the number in
a different cell (D15) I want the answer

George Gee

Try this in cell C11

=IF(C11="","No data",IF(C11<49,C11+3,C11+6))

George Gee

George Gee

Sorry, correction..... should be

Try this in cell *D15*
=IF(C11="","No data",IF(C11<49,C11+3,C11+6))

George Gee

Stan Brown

Sun, 3 Feb 2008 19:53:01 -0800 from David franklin
Sorry if question is not clear. if cell is 48" or less I want to add 3" to
the cell examples (48+3=51) (25 + 3 =28) if cell is 49 or greater the I want
to add 6" to cell (50 +6 =56) ... in one cell (c11) I will put the number in
a different cell (D15) I want the answer


Note that you *still* have not specified what to do if the number is
between 48 and 49, so it's possible the above won't do what you want
if C11 is 48.2.

Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
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