Excel formula



Hello, quick question about a formula. (example) I have a cell that contains
a Hot Link Title that reads "Yahoo". I want the adjacent cell to read
"http://www.yahoo.com". But I want to accomplish this by Excel formula
because I have about a thousand cells containing Hot-Link Titles. Does
anyone know an Excel Formula to accomplish this?


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Gary''s Student

This little User Defined Function will display the underlying URL:

Function hyp(r As Range) As String
hyp = ""
If r.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
hyp = r.Hyperlinks(1).Address
Exit Function
End If
If r.HasFormula Then
rf = r.Formula
dq = Chr(34)
If InStr(rf, dq) = 0 Then
hyp = Split(r.Formula, dq)(1)
End If
End If
End Function

So if the hyperlink is in A1 then in B1 enter:



Thank you so much for the assistance. However, I believe that to be visual
basic and it's gone beyond my level of training. Is there a simple formula
out there that will display the url that sits behind the hyperlink in a cell?

Thank you!

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