Hi, Is it possible to have a formula in a cell to do the following:
Range("a1") can equal 1 to 5.
Range("b2") can equal either 'Playing', 'Winner' or 'Loser'
If A1 = 1 THEN B1 = " "
If A1 = 2 THEN B1 = "Playing "
If A1 = 3 THEN B1 = "Playing or Winner or Loser"
If A1 = 4 THEN B1 = "Playing or Winner or Loser"
If A1 = 5 THEN B1 = "Winner or Loser".
These values update automatically, I have no control over what the
values will be, but these are the only possible outcomes. What Id like
to do in 'C1' is:
If a1 greater than 1 then c1 = b1. I can do that. But if c1 = either
Winner or Loser, and the value in a1 = 1 I dont want c1 to update until
a1 = > 1. Does that make sense.
eg; a1 = 1, b1 = playing, c1 = "" (Im assuming Ive just started
updating data)
a1 = 2, b1 = Playing, c1 = Playing
a1 = 3, b1 = Winner or Loser, c1 = Winner or Loser (Once
winner/Loser entered, cycle starts again.)
a1 = 1, b1 = Winner or Loser (because of prev result.)
a1 = 2, b1 = Playing, all starts again etc.
Ive tried nesting If's but cant seem to crack it. Im thinking I may
have to write a function.
Regards Robert
Range("a1") can equal 1 to 5.
Range("b2") can equal either 'Playing', 'Winner' or 'Loser'
If A1 = 1 THEN B1 = " "
If A1 = 2 THEN B1 = "Playing "
If A1 = 3 THEN B1 = "Playing or Winner or Loser"
If A1 = 4 THEN B1 = "Playing or Winner or Loser"
If A1 = 5 THEN B1 = "Winner or Loser".
These values update automatically, I have no control over what the
values will be, but these are the only possible outcomes. What Id like
to do in 'C1' is:
If a1 greater than 1 then c1 = b1. I can do that. But if c1 = either
Winner or Loser, and the value in a1 = 1 I dont want c1 to update until
a1 = > 1. Does that make sense.
eg; a1 = 1, b1 = playing, c1 = "" (Im assuming Ive just started
updating data)
a1 = 2, b1 = Playing, c1 = Playing
a1 = 3, b1 = Winner or Loser, c1 = Winner or Loser (Once
winner/Loser entered, cycle starts again.)
a1 = 1, b1 = Winner or Loser (because of prev result.)
a1 = 2, b1 = Playing, all starts again etc.
Ive tried nesting If's but cant seem to crack it. Im thinking I may
have to write a function.
Regards Robert