Excel freezes when hovering over a comment in XMLSS generated sheet



I generate a spreadsheet using XMLSS because I want a formatted
spreadsheet but our server is UNIX. It works fine except on the
COMMENT tag. I'm not sure what I'm missing, but when I hover over the
comment, Excel freezes. If I save the spreadsheet as true XLS and
then reopen, I don't have this problem.
If you copy the text below and save it with a .xls extension, you can
see what I mean (If you have office xp).

I've checked the microsoft site quite a bit but can't really find too
many examples of how to use this technology. Everything I've learned
I've done by "Save as....xml" and reviewing the results.

Thanks for any suggestions you can offer,

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<Data ss:Type="String">Report</Data>
<Comment ss:Author="Random House">
<ss:Data xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">
<Font html:Face="Tahoma" html:Size="8" html:Color="#000000">Random
<Font html:Face="Tahoma" html:Size="8" html:Color="#000000">Type of
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<Data ss:Type="String">Account</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Name</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end incentive total</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Total year end payout ( Future 3% plus
Efficiency )</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Penalty amount</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future BMP 3%</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Sell-thru including bonus books</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Total year end efficiency amount</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Mass merch efficiency amount</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Mass merch efficiency percent</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Mass merch blend</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Bookstore efficiency amount</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Bookstore efficiency percent</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Bookstore blend</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">School &amp; library efficiency amount</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">School &amp; library efficiency percent</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">School &amp; library blend</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Prompt payment ratio</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD bonus books</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">BMP 3% YTD</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Ordered not billed Initial Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Ordered not billed Initial Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Ordered not billed Initial Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Ordered not billed Initial Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Ordered not billed Initial Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Ordered not billed Initial Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Ordered not billed Initial Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Ordered not billed Initial Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Ordered not billed Initial Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial Participating Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial Participating Sales Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial Participating Sales Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial Non part. Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial Non part. Sales Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial Non part. Sales Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial Part. and Non Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial Part. and Non Sales Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial Part. and Non Sales Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Participating Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Participating Sales Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Participating Sales Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Participating Returns Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Participating Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Participating Returns Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Participating Net Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Participating Net Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Participating Net Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Participating Sell-thru %</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Non part. Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Non part. Sales Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Non part. Sales Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Non part. Returns Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Non part. Returns Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Non part. Returns Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Non part. Net Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Non part. Net Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Non part. Net Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Non part. Sell-thru %</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Part. and Non Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Part. and Non Sales Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Part. and Non Sales Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Part. and Non Returns Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Part. and Non Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Part. and Non Returns Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Part. and Non Net Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Part. and Non Net Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Part. and Non Net Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Reorder Part. and Non Sell-thru %</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Participating Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Participating Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Participating Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Participating Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Participating Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Participating Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Participating
Sell-thru %</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Non part. Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Non part. Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Non part. Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Non part. Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Non part. Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Non part. Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Non part. Sell-thru
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">YTD Initial and Reorder Part. and Non
Sell-thru %</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial Participating Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial Non part. Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial Non part. Sales Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial Non part. Sales Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial Part. and Non Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Participating Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Participating Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Participating Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Participating Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Participating Net Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Participating Net Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Participating Net Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Participating Sell-thru
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Non part. Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Non part. Sales Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Non part. Sales Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Non part. Returns Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Non part. Returns Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Non part. Returns Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Non part. Net Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Non part. Net Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Non part. Net Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Non part. Sell-thru %</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Part. and Non Sales Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Part. and Non Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Part. and Non Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Part. and Non Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Part. and Non Net Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Part. and Non Net Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Part. and Non Net Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Reorder Part. and Non Sell-thru
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Participating
Returns Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Participating
Returns Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Participating
Returns Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Participating Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Participating Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Participating Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Participating
Sell-thru %</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Non part. Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Non part. Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Non part. Returns
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Non part. Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Non part. Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Non part. Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Non part. Sell-thru
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Part. and Non
Returns Units</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Part. and Non
Returns Dollars</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Part. and Non
Returns Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Part. and Non Net
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Future Initial and Reorder Part. and Non
Sell-thru %</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial Participating Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial Non part. Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial Part. and Non Sales
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial Part. and Non Sales
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Participating Sales
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Participating
Returns Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Participating
Returns Dollars</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Participating
Returns Retail</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Participating Net
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Participating Net
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Participating
Sell-thru %</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Non part. Sales
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Non part. Sales
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Non part. Returns
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Non part. Returns
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Non part. Net
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Returns Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Part. and Non
Returns Dollars</Data>
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Returns Retail</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Reorder Part. and Non
Sell-thru %</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder
Participating Sales Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder
Participating Sales Dollars</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder
Participating Sales Retail</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder
Participating Returns Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder
Participating Returns Dollars</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder
Participating Returns Retail</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder
Participating Net Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder
Participating Net Dollars</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder
Participating Net Retail</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder
Participating Sell-thru %</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Non
part. Sales Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Non
part. Sales Dollars</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Non
part. Sales Retail</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Non
part. Returns Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Non
part. Returns Dollars</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Non
part. Returns Retail</Data>
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part. Net Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Non
part. Net Dollars</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Non
part. Net Retail</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Non
part. Sell-thru %</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Part.
and Non Sales Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Part.
and Non Sales Dollars</Data>
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and Non Sales Retail</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Part.
and Non Returns Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Part.
and Non Returns Dollars</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Part.
and Non Returns Retail</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Part.
and Non Net Units</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Part.
and Non Net Dollars</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Part.
and Non Net Retail</Data>
<Cell ss:StyleID="ZXML_header" >
<Data ss:Type="String">Projected year end Initial and Reorder Part.
and Non Sell-thru %</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="Number">75,752.35</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="Number">70.25970</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="Number">35,608.48</Data>
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<Data ss:Type="Number">76,515.55</Data>
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Jim Rech

Well, I duplicated the problem but I don't have a solution. Even when I
save the file as a normal workbook and reopen it I get the hang. Only when
I save it as XML and reopen it does the problem get fixed. The resulting
XML is considerably different than yours, but portion containing the comment
seems to be the same. I haven't figured out what in your XML makes the
comment box so big. Excels displays the comment box at the mouseover but
seems to hang trying to display the comment text itself. Sorry, no answer.


just an update on this, we discovered that if set the author name the
same in the top of the document and in the comment, then it allows 1
comment in the document!?! If we try to put in a second comment on
another cell, it still freezes!! Perhaps this is a clue?

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