Excel, Fullscreen, Taskbar



I'm new with Forums and Newsgroups

I've already posted this question in MSDN Forums » Microsoft ISV Community
Center Forums » Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). But I found this morning
that Newsgroups should be a better place for my subject.

So I'm sorry if you have read my question before

I use Windows 2000 Pro and Office XP

When I open Excel, all the elements of the application appear above the
Windows task bar. (I see the sheet tabs, status bar and task bar)

When I select fullscreen (with Application.DisplayFullScreen = True), the
status bar and sheet tabs are hidden behind the task bar.

Hint: I've found that, when I put the task bar on the left side of the
screen and after put it on the bottom, the status bar and sheet tabs reappear
above the task bar, or if I set the task bar in AutoHide and set always on
top afetr. But these are not good options for my users, nor is hidding the
task bar.

First question: Is it possible to keep the status bar and sheet tabs
automatically above the task bar, when I select fullscreen option. (with a
setup or a macro)

When Excel is in fullscreen mode, and I minimise it (with
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized), and then restore it, Excel restore in
normal mode, instead of fullscreen.

Second question: Is it possible to restore Excel in fullscreen mode or write
a macro that will execute automatically to select fullscreen when Excel is

Note: Any solution that doesn't use fullscreen option will not fit.



Thanks for your help

I've try the two API you refer to, but I think they are not VBA macros.
Because some properties like Me and Width aren't recognize. So I modify it
with Application.width, and I was unable to use it in fullscreen mode. It
seems that Excel should be in normal mode to modify its width and height.

I've try too the SHAppBarMessage function, and was unable to use it . The
macro exceute without error, but make no change at the taskbar and Excel
window. I'Ve found similar macros in other forums, and I understand they are
for Win XP.

I think I need a VBA macro to toggle Always on top and AutoHIde of the
taskbar for W2K and Office XP.



You need the code from the last but 1 post. Forget all the SHAppBarMessage
stuff, just resize the Excel window,



Does not works

The macro execute without error, so commands seem good, but nothing append
to windows.

I've found another message you posted about the same problem, and doesn't
work too.

Thanks for your help


Works fine for me, so unless you can give more details than "Does not
works", not much I can do.
e.g. What the return values from the APIs ?
Valid windows handle ?
Valid RECT coordinates ?


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