Candentco Creative Collection
I am try to do the following: (i.e....)
Col A Col.B Col C. Col. D Col E col. F
$50,000 $2,000 $2500 $1,000 $5,000 ???
if the sum of columns c through e is less than col A and greater than Col. B
times 3, then return col. b times 3. if not, return col a minus sum of
column c through one cell before Col f Also, if sum of c thru e is greater
than or equal to col a, then reutrn 0
Col A Col.B Col C. Col. D Col E col. F
$50,000 $2,000 $2500 $1,000 $5,000 ???
if the sum of columns c through e is less than col A and greater than Col. B
times 3, then return col. b times 3. if not, return col a minus sum of
column c through one cell before Col f Also, if sum of c thru e is greater
than or equal to col a, then reutrn 0