Walter Jones
I am trying to perform a "=Daverage" over a large data
base that includes over 100 counties and over 2500
townships. Each county has from 20 to 80 townships in it
with a specific value attached to each township. I need
an average of these values in each county. I can do it by
using the "=DAVAERAGE" fuction, but I need to manually
change the criteria for each and every county to get that
county's average and I cannot figure out how to do all
counties easily. I can easily do this in Lotus123 by
doing county #1 then copying it to the remainder of the
counties, but it does not work in Exel. Can anyone give
me some help. I have Window 98 and what ever EXCEL
version that came with it.
base that includes over 100 counties and over 2500
townships. Each county has from 20 to 80 townships in it
with a specific value attached to each township. I need
an average of these values in each county. I can do it by
using the "=DAVAERAGE" fuction, but I need to manually
change the criteria for each and every county to get that
county's average and I cannot figure out how to do all
counties easily. I can easily do this in Lotus123 by
doing county #1 then copying it to the remainder of the
counties, but it does not work in Exel. Can anyone give
me some help. I have Window 98 and what ever EXCEL
version that came with it.