Excel gone on infinite loop when dragging item from page-field to row field!


KC Lim

Here's the background info:

PC - P4 2.4Ghz with 512MB ram, WinXPP.
Application - Pivottable connectd to Cube in Analysis
Server. Excel XP SP3, SQL 2000. Dataset is only in the MB
range. Not huge.

In the Pivottable, there are 2 page fieds(PF), 2 row
fields (RF), and 4 measures(M). When I drag a virtual
measure (VM) into the data field(DF), Excel will go on a
holiday. Longest trial is 2 hours wait and is still going!

Next, go back to 2 PF, 4M, move 1RF to PF. Drag VM in DF,
ok works fine. Tried moving the original RF back in, and
Excel takes forever and never recover.

Anyone has any suggestions?

Is there a way for us to drag&drop the pivot fields
without Excel going away to rearrange and recalculate
stuffs while we wait. Sort of Manual Refresh kind of
thing. Tried to use Manual Recalculate but doesn't work.

Any help is much appreciated.