Ann Jensen
I created Word documents for a college course and need them to be compatible
with Word OSX, Word 2000, and Word 2002 (XP). I created the documents in
Word OSX and they include graphs that I created in Excel OSX, then copied
and pasted into Word using the Picture option in Edit: Paste Special. This
works fine for Word OSX but when I open the documents in Wind 2002 / XP, the
Excel graphs don't show up (though other graphics drawn using Word's draw
tools do show up). In place of the Excel-created graphs, I get a an
invisible object with handles and a red x in the corner. Is there a
converter I can use in OSX to convert the files to Word XP? Or any other
solution you can suggest? I have 24 documents with the problem and class
starts next week.
with Word OSX, Word 2000, and Word 2002 (XP). I created the documents in
Word OSX and they include graphs that I created in Excel OSX, then copied
and pasted into Word using the Picture option in Edit: Paste Special. This
works fine for Word OSX but when I open the documents in Wind 2002 / XP, the
Excel graphs don't show up (though other graphics drawn using Word's draw
tools do show up). In place of the Excel-created graphs, I get a an
invisible object with handles and a red x in the corner. Is there a
converter I can use in OSX to convert the files to Word XP? Or any other
solution you can suggest? I have 24 documents with the problem and class
starts next week.