Having a problem trying to produce a graph in excel. The data I am
trying to produce a graph with is shown below. To produce the graph I
highlight the range containing 0.25 to 11.658, the x and y are there to
show you guys what data I want on each axis, and then follow the wizard
through, the graph I want is a line graph with x row on the x axis, and
y row on the y axis.
x 0.25 2 5 10
y 9.6325 10.4165 10.979 11.658
The problem I have is I get two data series for each row, What am I
doing wrong?
Having a problem trying to produce a graph in excel. The data I am
trying to produce a graph with is shown below. To produce the graph I
highlight the range containing 0.25 to 11.658, the x and y are there to
show you guys what data I want on each axis, and then follow the wizard
through, the graph I want is a line graph with x row on the x axis, and
y row on the y axis.
x 0.25 2 5 10
y 9.6325 10.4165 10.979 11.658
The problem I have is I get two data series for each row, What am I
doing wrong?