Excel guru's help!



I'm going to try and word this the best i can

I have an excel spreadsheet with marketing leads on it. The header fields
are Company Name, Company Contact, Phone number, Company Location, and

They take up the A1 - F1 fields.

I have lots of information there. Today I created another sheet with 4
industries on it and used that to make a drop down menu for the industry
column. So now all of my marketing leads have one of these drop down values
in it.

My question is this. How can I make it so that I can have a seperate tab
(sheet) for each industry with the leads for thhat industry displayed and
nothing else that updates everytime I add a new lead and industry into the
main information sheet?

Lets say I ad SBR Riders as a marketing lead, they are in the motorcycle
industry (which is one of the options), i'd like it so that they are
automatically shown in the motorcycle industry tab.

What function is this?



Just a random question here, what exactly are you trying to do with these
separate sheets that couldn't be done with a filter or a pivot table on 1


My question is this. How can I make it so that I can have a seperate tab
(sheet) for each industry with the leads for that industry displayed and
nothing else that updates everytime I add a new lead and industry into the
main information sheet?

A formulas driven play is available ..
Take away this sample construct from my archives:
AutoCopy Lines to Resp Sht Non Array.xls
(Full details inside, nicely rendered. Easy to adapt ..)

Data is continuously entered in a master ("parent") sheet, with lines neatly
auto-copied to each individual ("child") sheet based on the values within a
key col.

In the sample, the key col in the master sheet is the "State" col, which may
contain eg: NY, CA, NV, SD, AZ, etc. All lines with "NY" in the key col will
be auto-copied to the sheet named: NY, and appear neatly bunched at the top,
w/o any intervening blank lines. Ditto for lines with "CA", "NV", etc which
will be copied into their respective sheets.

Propagation of the "child" sheet is as simple as making a copy of the
initial one, then renaming it accordingly as the next key col value. Eg we
first formulate one child sheet for "NY", dress it up nicely, then just make
copies of the "NY" sheet, and rename these as: CA, NV, SD, etc.

In your case, the key col would be your "Industry"

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