Excel highlighting issue


joe Mitchell

Hi all have a bizzare issue with excel XP edition that me and my technical
staff have been unable to solve.

A user can use excel fine for differing periods of time before excel
randomly selects cell and highlights them. No amount of clicking anywhere on
the worksheet turns the highlighting off and all the data in the cells gets
dragged around with the cursor. The only way to exit is to power off as user
has no CTRL ALT DEL access. Have looked into Excel templates and settings and
even replaced the mouse and keyboard as a last desperate act.
There are no macros that we can detect running on the machine or the
spreadsheet. The issue happens in any opened spreadsheet and only to this
user currently but has happened before to different users.

Any help you can give guys/galls will be hugely appreciated.

Jim Rech

Get the latest mouse driver you can find. That fixed it for me

| Hi all have a bizzare issue with excel XP edition that me and my technical
| staff have been unable to solve.
| A user can use excel fine for differing periods of time before excel
| randomly selects cell and highlights them. No amount of clicking anywhere
| the worksheet turns the highlighting off and all the data in the cells
| dragged around with the cursor. The only way to exit is to power off as
| has no CTRL ALT DEL access. Have looked into Excel templates and settings
| even replaced the mouse and keyboard as a last desperate act.
| There are no macros that we can detect running on the machine or the
| spreadsheet. The issue happens in any opened spreadsheet and only to this
| user currently but has happened before to different users.
| Any help you can give guys/galls will be hugely appreciated.
| --
| Joe Mitchell MCP

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