Excel - how can I practice formulas on financial questions?



Having just taken and failed my Excel exam, I need help to practice doing
financial questions - as in how much percentage increase between one figure
and another etc?

I had used an Excel practice test at my class and thought I was doing great
- HA! but in the exam I was completely thrown by a few questions on increased
percentage rate. Are there any on line trial questions to get me familiar
with this sort of thing?

All help greatly received.


One of your best resources may be your teacher. They may be able to
point you in the right direction.


Now that my course has finished, I feel I am on my own, he is now teaching
another group. The practice test I'd been using only concentrated on the PMT
function etc and I was totally lost at the exam when I just didn't know where
to begin to answer the question on percentage increase etc - time being of
the essence - I had to skip the question and ran out of time to go back and
look at it closely. There were 3/4 questions in the same vein and I just
skipped the lot rather than waste time - no small wonder I failed eh? I have
discovered some Microsoft Excel training on line and am currently going
through that.

Thanks for the reply

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