excel, how do I copy graphs to a 2nd & 3rd sheets ?




Our organisation is conducting repeating Customer surveys throughout the
year. We have 28 sites, each will manage it's own surveys with it's own Excel
Workbook. Some will do five or six surveys, some will do thirty. I have to
create the Workbooks for each site.

I have created a single Sheet to deal with each survey. It includes data
from the questions and charts comparing the answers for each of the

When I copy the 1st sheet & paste it on the 2nd sheet, the charts now on the
2nd sheet refer to the data on the 1st sheet.

Is there a proper way to copy the charts so that the charts on, say sheet
15, refer only to the data on sheet 15 ?
Or maybe there is a better way to create the charts in the first place ?



Opps - found the answer :)

Highlight the entire 1st Sheet and select EDIT / MOVE OR COPY SHEET

Sorry to waste your time folks.


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