Excel hyperlink that links to web which opens a new Excel book pro



A1 = ticker symbol
B1 = Hyperlink(Concatenate(first part of a url string, A1, second part of
url string))

The hyperlink ends up looking like this:

This hyperlink opens a new Excel book called table.csv and returns:
Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
10/31/2007 62.95 63.64 62.3 63.12 549800 1232.94

Is there any way to have this .csv file information directed to the book I
have open? I have a series of 10 hyperlinks all in Column B.

My goal is to have a macro that would open all of these hyperlinks and paste
the data next to the hyperlink.

I have tried recording a Macro in which I click on each hyperlink and then
paste the data that is found in table.csv next to the hyperlink in the
original book, but the hyperlinks all try and open table.csv which is a
problem, and the macro records the actual hyperlink and does not allow the
hyperlink to be dynamic, meaning I change AIG to GS and it still stays as AIG
in the VBA code.


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