How to replace Excel Icon with my own icon?
Please refer to the question send by jpcmaddog. I also have this question to
Thanks for those who have answered that question but I need more...
Do any experties out there can help us (and also everybody who have the
qestion to ask)?
Microsoft Access able to do this on the Start up menu... by setting the
Applicaton icon to a bitmap file or .ico file. This icon will appear on the
application... but that icon fle must also included together with the access
mdb or mde files, since it is 'link' icon file.
I wonder why this could not be done in Excel? Till now I'm still looking for
the answer!
Looking ahead for any help in this regard.
Thanks in advance,
How to replace Excel Icon with my own icon?
Please refer to the question send by jpcmaddog. I also have this question to
Thanks for those who have answered that question but I need more...
Do any experties out there can help us (and also everybody who have the
qestion to ask)?
Microsoft Access able to do this on the Start up menu... by setting the
Applicaton icon to a bitmap file or .ico file. This icon will appear on the
application... but that icon fle must also included together with the access
mdb or mde files, since it is 'link' icon file.
I wonder why this could not be done in Excel? Till now I'm still looking for
the answer!
Looking ahead for any help in this regard.
Thanks in advance,