Excel Image not displayed when the physical file is N/A


Kevin Chong

Hello there,

I'm having a problem on images that's generated from excel. I'm using the
url method to generate the excel file and I'm aware that the images are
stored in a physical location and the images won't be able to be displayed if
the physical file is not available.

I'm able to display the images out when the excel report is generated;
however, when we save it as the default xls extension file, and open it in
another location, the images are not displayed, as only the physical file
path is being stored in the excel file. I've tested it on a couple of xls
extension type, and the one (excel 95 or older) of them save the images
together with the xls file.

Is there a way to store the images in the excel file? I'm currently using
the <IMG> tag at the moment and do not wish to use any VBA in it.

If there's no way to do it, is there a way to make the default "save as
extension" to excel 95 ?

Hope you can understand what I'm saying here =)



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