I've had Excel crash numerous times the first day using it. THe Auto Save
feature does not seem to be working. Each time it crashes it brings back the
old saved spreadsheet with none of the changes. Auto Save is set to 10
minutes and sometimes it had been hours and still reverted back to the old
saved sheet and not the updated autosaved one.
AutoRecover (not AutoSave - *that* feature hasn't been part of XL for a
couple of versions now) saves files in the

ocuments:MIcrosoft User Data:Office 2008 AutoRecovery:
folder. These files are hidden, and their file names starts with "~ar"
Can you tell if these files are being created (set your AR time to 1
minute, then make a change in the workbook)?
If you're using Leopard, you can see hidden files if you navigate to the
folder above in Finder, type CMD-F, and choose FIle Visibility from the
Kind dropdown - if that's not an option, choose Other..., and check the
File Visiblilty checkbox - and set it to Invisible.
Alternatively, you can enter this command in the Terminal.app:
ls -al ~/Documents/Microsoft\ User\ Data/Office\ 2008\ AutoRecovery/~*
and hit Return.
Do you see the AR file? Does it update when it should (note that if you
don't change anything in the workbook, AR will not save the file.
Note that, unlike AutoSave, AutoRecover files are deleted whenever XL
closes normally.