I created instance of the Excel.Application as following
On Error Resume Next
Set objExcel = GetObject (,"Excel.Application")
If err.number > 0 then
End if
But the problem is that on closing of my VB application, I m
terminating the excel instance as follow
Set objExcel = Nothing
But despite closure of the VB application, the excel instance remains
in the Task Manager.
After if I open any other work from Explorer or from my VB Application,
the workbook dont become visible.
Any suggestions...
On Error Resume Next
Set objExcel = GetObject (,"Excel.Application")
If err.number > 0 then
End if
But the problem is that on closing of my VB application, I m
terminating the excel instance as follow
Set objExcel = Nothing
But despite closure of the VB application, the excel instance remains
in the Task Manager.
After if I open any other work from Explorer or from my VB Application,
the workbook dont become visible.
Any suggestions...