Excel instance in Task Manager



I created instance of the Excel.Application as following

On Error Resume Next
Set objExcel = GetObject (,"Excel.Application")
If err.number > 0 then
End if

But the problem is that on closing of my VB application, I m
terminating the excel instance as follow

Set objExcel = Nothing

But despite closure of the VB application, the excel instance remains
in the Task Manager.
After if I open any other work from Explorer or from my VB Application,
the workbook dont become visible.

Any suggestions...

Chip Pearson

You need to Quit Excel from your code. E.g.,


Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
www.cpearson.com (e-mail address removed)


It did not work.

I applied it in the following way.

If objExcel.Workbooks.Count =0 then
set ObjExcel = nothing
End if

Is there anything wrong with the code.


FuzzyLogic said:
*It did not work.

I applied it in the following way.

If objExcel.Workbooks.Count =0 then
set ObjExcel = nothing
End if

Is there anything wrong with the code. *

The excel instance only went out of the Task Manager whenExcel is
closed from its own menu.


Tom Ogilvy

Good chance you are using unqualified references to excel objects - these
can not be release.

Everything should be reference from a releasable reference such as objExcel

This include arguments to methods and so forth

for example

objExcel.GoTo Reference:=Range("A1"), Scroll:=False

the Range("A1") would create a problem.

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