Excel interop crashes



Hello !

I am using interop assemblies to remote Excel2002 (XP) with c# and
developed an application that fails only on one installation.

Shortly after start I get an error from Excel (not from my
Application) and I can only exit or restart Excel. But in the
Background Excel continues executing some (not all) of my remote

In the EventLog I found the following Information:

Faulting application excel.exe, version 10.0.6501.0, faulting module
mso.dll, version 10.0.6626.0, fault address 0x000228d6.

This only happens on remoted start of Excel. I do many operations with
loaded data. Copying, naming areas, etc. and it seems to work fine
(even after the error message) So I am not really sure, what may cause
this error.

Because this happens only on one Workstation we deinstalled and
reinstalled Office, but it had no Effect.
All Workstations have nearly the same Softwareinstallation, (Windows,
Virus Scanner etc.), that´s why I think it can be a conflict between
my remote calls and a local setting or something.

Does anybody have an Idea ?

Vic Brom

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