Excel is Adding Hard Reurns After Some Cells


Sean Frisbey

Only on certain occasions, Excel will add an invisible, and unremovable
return-like space to my cell. I'll type a small paragraph in the cell, go to
another cell, and it adds a whole line of white space under the rest of my

With some experimentation, I found that sometimes I can remove the period at
the end of the paragraph and it will fix itself, but sometimes it requires me
to delete the period AND a couple of characters.

I have tried going to the end of the paragraph and pressing the delete key
to make sure that there is nothing in front of it. I have also tried
retyping the whole paragraph, clearing formatting, and even creating new
cells. I have also tried changing the width of the cell. I can "fix" it by
changing the height of the cell, but I don't want to have to do that every
time this happens. I am not sure where to go from here, and it doesn't seem
that Excel will show you markup symbols.

Does anyone know what is going on? I can even send you a screen shot if you
would like. I just want to get rid of this madness!!! :D

Thanks in advance for anyone's assistance,
Sean Frisbey

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