Excel is screwy



I have a Vlookup, works fine on absolutely everything except for one aspect.
I have a Vlookup table which returns the latest animal born in a zoo (I
create these things to keep me amused), it works fine for every entry except
one (belfast). wierdly though if I copy "belfast" from the lookup table and
paste it as the lookup value it works fine....but not if I type it.

Anyone else met this problem?



A.W.J. Ales

Weird try (on a weird problem)
Have you tried "retyping" belfast in your lookup table.
I have had in the past more or less same problem and found that retyping the
entry sometimes "solves" the problem.

Auk Ales

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There is a known error in some versions of Excel that scramble that
particular ascii sequence if entered from a keyboard. I believe it
been fixed in Excel XP.


Try retyping 'belfast' in both the lookup value and the lookup table and see
what happens. I would guess there's something weird in the table.

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