Excel Mac OS X - Strange Behavior



I have just received my G5 Quad and have installed Microsoft Office. One of
the first things that I usually do to get a feeling about how the machine
will handle large amounts of RAM based data is to load up an Excel sheet
(fill all cells in the sheet with 1s) and make a few copies of this data by
copying it to other sheets in the workbook. In OS X (10.4.3), after filling
up the first sheet, I hit Apple+C to copy to contents of the sheet so that I
can paste it to another sheet. This copying step takes over 2 minutes. Hmmmm,
this step on my 3.4GHz Pentium machine takes less than a second. I can
duplicate this behavior on my G4 Powerbook also. To me this is clearly not
proper behavior.

Thanks for any thoughts or ideas...

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