My experience with macros in excel is limited at best, so bear with me.
I'm looking for a way to generate data in a column of a spreadsheet
based on the values in the first_name and last_name colums.
Essentially each of the employees have a division number assigned to
them, and rather than manually entering in the data for each employee
across several spreadsheets/workbooks I would like to run a macro in
each of them that knows "John Smith" belongs to division 4 for example.
There is a spreadsheet with only the employee name and division
number. I realize that something like this could be easily done in
Access, but I have to work with what I have. Also, I'm not sure if a
macro is even the way to go, any and all help would be greatly
Thanks in advance
I'm looking for a way to generate data in a column of a spreadsheet
based on the values in the first_name and last_name colums.
Essentially each of the employees have a division number assigned to
them, and rather than manually entering in the data for each employee
across several spreadsheets/workbooks I would like to run a macro in
each of them that knows "John Smith" belongs to division 4 for example.
There is a spreadsheet with only the employee name and division
number. I realize that something like this could be easily done in
Access, but I have to work with what I have. Also, I'm not sure if a
macro is even the way to go, any and all help would be greatly
Thanks in advance