You need to delete any empty modules that housed those macros.
Hit ALT+F11 and this will open the VBE (Visual Basic Editor)
Top left you will hopefully see an explorer style pane. Within this pane you need to search for
your workbook's name, and when you find it you may need to click on the + to expand it. Within
that you should see the following:-
Microsoft Excel Objects
etc etc (You may have just 1 of these)
If you have named your sheets then those names will appear in the brackets above as opposed to
what you see at the moment in my note.
Right click on the modules and select remove. When prompted with a question re exporting, just
hit no. Then hit File / Close and return to Microsoft Excel and save the file.
If that doesn't fix it, then you may have macro code in the Sheet modules, or the ThisWorkbook
module. You need to doubleclick each of them above, delete any code you may find, then hit File /
Close and return to Microsoft Excel and save the file. Good advice given earlier in that if you
delete any code without knowing what it is, you may well be deleting a necessary part of the file.
If you find any code, but are not sure what it does, then simply copy and paste it into a post to
the group and we'll do our best to let you know what it is doing.