Excel Marco for IP Address



I have a list of servers in column A, some of the server names are IP
addresses. I need a macro that will determine if the server name
listed is an IP address and if so, do a specfic action.

Example Spreadsheet
3 34Bob
4 Geroge
5 Luke

Psuedo Code
Check value of column A, Cell X
If value = IP address
copy entire row to other worksheet
delete row
End If

Bob Phillips

Sub Test()
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim i As Long

iLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To iLastRow
If Len(Cells(i, "A").Value) - (Len(Replace(Cells(i, "A").Value, ".",
""))) = 3 Then
If IsNumeric(Replace(Cells(i, "A").Value, ".", "")) Then
'do something"
End If
End If
Next i

End Sub


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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