Good morning, I really hope some one can give me some guidance. As a
background, I have touched on VBA but any code examples would be great. I
have got lots of seperate Excel workbook for showing my companies monthly
reports. I tried to write a single menu which in effect hyperlinks to each

So far I have a user form on a workbook called Menu with links such as;

Private Sub Label15_Click()
Application.ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink "W:\Marketing\SAS
Reports\Marketing\Customer Metrics\Invoiced Value By SIC & Employee
Windows("Report Menu.xls").Activate
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End Sub

This is as good as I can do (got the code from google). The drawbacks are;
Unless, I save it as shared, only 1 person can use it at a time, which means
all macros are disabled. Also, the workbooks it links too, all link to
access data sources. At the moment, I have to go to each linked workbook
independantly to make sure it updates first before going to the menu. Can
these problems be sorted out?

Also for each workbok, I have linked too, I then have a command button such

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="W:\Marketing\SAS Reports\Report Menu.xls"
Windows("Product Line Metrics.xls").Activate
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End Sub

Although, it works and it does return to my menu workbook, it leaves the
"linked to" workbook" open even though my code tries to shut it. I would
rather have used some of the custom menu code, but can not see how it works.
Could some one help me please? it would be great to get this methodolgy
working properly.

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