Excel MIN Function in Access



I found this posting that worked very well for me, but I need to make an
adjustment to it and just can't think how to do it. Can someone please help


I Love This!!!

I also need to do the inverse, find the minimum value. I thought I could
make the adjustment myself, but I guess I'm brain-dead today. Can you advise

Dirk Goldgar

GBAccess said:
I found this posting that worked very well for me, but I need to make an
adjustment to it and just can't think how to do it. Can someone please


I Love This!!!

I also need to do the inverse, find the minimum value. I thought I could
make the adjustment myself, but I guess I'm brain-dead today. Can you

Untested, but how about:

'------ start of code ------
Function MyMin(ParamArray Values()) As Variant

Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim varMin As Variant

If IsMissing(Values) Then
MyMin = Null
For intLoop = LBound(Values) To UBound(Values)
If varMin > Values(intLoop) Then
varMin = Values(intLoop)
End If
Next intLoop
MyMin = varMin
End If

End Function
'------ end of code ------

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