excel need to be installed on server?



hello all,
does excel have to be installed on my web server if i want
to use a regular html form to receive user data to
populate then execute some calculations in an excel

thanks in advance,

Bill Lunney

Yes if you want the calculation done at the server side. However Excel and
other Office apps. are not designed to run in this way (as server side
processes). It can and has been done but it takes some knowledge.

I've written an article on this, not sure if I posted it to my site. Use
the contact me form on the site if you are going to pursue this method and
I'll post it for you.

This reply isn't all that helpful but given the question you're asking it
does appear that the answer is going to be more complex than you'd like so
there's no point going into detail here.


Bill Lunney

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