Here is the macro modified to let you change numbering within the
Sub FillDownWithDecimals()
Dim X As Long, W As String, F As String, S As String
S = Selection(1).Text
W = Int(S) 'Left(S, InStr(S & ".", ".") - 1)
F = Mid(S, InStr(S & ".0", ".") + 1)
For X = 0 To Selection.Count - 1
With Selection(1).Offset(X)
If .Text <> "" Then
S = .Text
W = Int(S) 'Left(S, InStr(S & ".", ".") - 1)
F = Mid(S, InStr(S & ".0", ".") + 1)
End If
.NumberFormat = "@"
.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
.Value = W & "." & F
End With
F = CStr(Val(F + 1))
End Sub
To see what I mean, go to a blank column and in any cell in that column, put
2.0; then, in the same column, put 3.0 in a cell some number of rows below
the 2.0 cell; now, make a selection starting with the 2.0 cell and going
past the 3.0 cell... run the macro and the 2.# series will stop when it
reaches the 3.0 cell and from then on, the number will be 3.# until the end
of the selection. You can encompass as many new numbering starting points
(the 2.0 and 3.0 values, although you don't have to start with those number)
as you want and the code will adapt to them.