Excel opens with row headings from right to left



I recently installed Microsoft Office 2007 enterprise on Windows visa home
premium edition. The problem what i am facing is that when i open excel, it
owuld open with a reverse order of cells,,that is, cell heading A, B, C ....
starts from right to left. Similarly when I open any excel file with tables,
the orders of the columns is reversed, that is , from right to left instead
of normal order from left to right.
I have tried many option to resolve this issue but not successful.
please help me to resolve this issue.


I'm not familiar with the 2007 menu layout, but somewhere to the equivlent of
Tools > Opetions >...and somewhere in there you should find "International"
that you can un-check.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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