Excel - PIvot Query



Hi, I'm a newbie and thanks for reading... :) :)

Can someone answer a question for me please? I'lll try to say it the
best way i can!:eek: :eek: :eek:

right, i've set up an excel spreadsheet which is the usuage statistics
for the members of staff in my dept!;) ;)

Well, A section of my informtion is coming from a separate spreedsheet,
one that being updated on a regular basis...

Thats were i'm having my problems! The pivot only returns cumulative
information for me automatically,

what i would like is................(I normally do this manually)
another Automatic pivot based on the same spreadsheet which provides
information on a fortnightly basis. (Did that make sense, i've atached
a pic if that helps)!

the first dates were

17may2005 - 05june2006
06june2006 - 19june2006
(" " " " ")
(" " " " ")
(" " " " ")

i want my pivot to continue on from the 19thjune06 without me having to
specify the dates everytime....

am i dreaming, or furthermore... should i give up?

|Filename: pivots.JPG |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4955 |

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