Is possible calculate into a Pivot Table a partial total % in column?
Se the item with red color
Key1 Key2 Qta *% part.* % tot
AAA item 1 90 *90%* 45%
item 2 10 *10%* 5%
AAA Sum 100 100% 50%
BBB item 3 1 * 1% * 0,5%
item 4 99 * 99%* 49,5%
BBB Sum 100 100 50%
TOTAL 200 100% 100
Se the item with red color
Key1 Key2 Qta *% part.* % tot
AAA item 1 90 *90%* 45%
item 2 10 *10%* 5%
AAA Sum 100 100% 50%
BBB item 3 1 * 1% * 0,5%
item 4 99 * 99%* 49,5%
BBB Sum 100 100 50%
TOTAL 200 100% 100