Excel Pivots



In my organization the headcount grouping is based on 'Service Line' &
'Project'. There are 8 levels which are spanned as below (in a pivot table).
Service Line (All)
Project Name (All)

Count of ID
Level Total

Level 1 48
Level 2 115
Level 3 11
Level 4 17
Level 5 4
Level 6 52
Level 7 2
Level 8 2
Grand Total 251

I am looking to:
-calculate the % of Sr & Jr resources to the total headcount in any of
'Service Line' & 'Project' combination.
-For me Jr= Level 1-4 & Sr= 5 - 8.
-I need to have this % for each and every combination in 'Service Line' &

Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance.


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