Excel Prob.....What functions?



1) I am asked to find the smallest percentage fee increase needed to ge
a surplus instead of a deficit (to 1 decimal place).

2) What is the smallest percentage increase in fees needed to tur
deficit into surplus if you waive the discount and the maximum fee? (D
not change the formulas)

*Discount are given to children with siblings
*All fees are to increase by the same percentage
*The Maximum and Minimum Fees are to increase by the same percent.

(http://s9.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=16FAWU7L7RE0L2JFU26V1482JV )

~Please try to limit the functions within Solver, Goal Seeker and Wha

Thanks a million!! I've been trying to solve this prob for days :( :


Goal seek? I've tried that. The "Changing_Cell" is only for a single
cell and the cell needs to be a VALUE rather than with formulas in it.
Hence, it seems that i am only able to find the percentage change in
the total fees earned. I need to get the percentage increase for 1
child's fees.(All children's fees are to increase by the same %)

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