Excel Program Error - Excel.exe Generated Errors Message


Denise Lane

Opening Excel from Start Menu or opening excel file generates following
message: "Excel.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You
will need to restart the program. An error log is being created."

I have uninstalled Office 2000 and reinstalled. I have also tried clicking
the repair option. I have also tried the customized install with templates
checked for run from my computer.

I have read http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=DB;EN-US;280504

Under Excel Startup Folders, I have read 240150. I do not have the folder
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft. Nor is it
under the d drive. It is not re-installing when loading.

I can start excel under /s but not under /automation.

I have searched for a excel.xlb or username.xlb file and one is not found on
c or d drive.

I renamed the excel.pip file to excelold.pip. I couldn't change the pip

Please help me to correct this problem.



Dave Peterson

First, I'd search for just *.xlb -- maybe you'll have better luck finding it.

And remember to look through hidden folders and for hidden files.

(If starting in safe mode works, that's where I'd put my money--just a guess,

If you find any, rename them all to *.xlbold.

Then try opening excel normally.

If that doesn't help, Chip Pearson has some notes at:
That you'll want to read.

Denise Lane

Hi Dave: Thanks for the additional information. I tried your suggestion and
the suggestions from Chip Pearson and none of them worked. Any more ideas?
I'm still able to access from /s



Denise Lane

Hello Again Dave: The combination of bringing the xlb, pip, and XLStart
files to the desktop and deleting the registry keys was the answer. I can
now access from the Start Menu.


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