Excel Programming/Visual Basic Training Course


el zorro

I'm interested in learning Excel programming and/or Visual Basic.

Could somebody recommend a training course or books for someone who's got a
little bit of programming background?


Ronald Dodge

It's been a long while since I have gotten a book, but when I have gotten a
book, I normally look for one that covers a large area of things including
the detail sections. The one main problem with books and other online
materials, many of them don't have an overall example for beginners to see
how different things interact with each other and even for those that's on a
more advanced level, certain things doesn't seem to be documented to well on
individual methods, properties and statements, which plays a role in what a
programmer may use in programming code. Some books will show "VBA" and
others will show "Visual Basic for Applications".

If you looking for hands on training, Executrain does have hands on training
that's a 2 day course for Excel VBA. This course will cover many of the
basic stuff in VBA of how to do different things such as working with
objects, testing, and debugging. However, this course doesn't provide good
programming practices and it barely even scratches the surface as far as
coding within Excel VBA is concerned other than for recording, editing code
and using different things as provided by the Intellisense feature of VBA.



Ronald R. Dodge, Jr.
Master MOUS 2000

David Hilberg

For books, it's hard to go wrong with a John Walkenbach or an O'Reilly.
Both offer guides to Excel programming with VBA. Make sure you get the
right edition for your version (e.g., 2003 vs 2007).

- David

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