Excel Programming



I need help with a function... I'm trying to enter several data
entries(integers) from a 'User Form' into a range of cells. The entries need
to go from (B44:j79) one at a time - clearing the entry from the 'User Form'
[textbox] after each entry. I can get the data in the first cell (B44), but
it will not advance to the next cell down - or clear the entry after I hit
the <enter> key. Here is what I have already:

Private Sub TextBoxEnterData_Change()


For Each Cell In Worksheets("Data Sheet").Range("b44:j79")
Range("B44").Value = TextBoxEnterData.Value

If Cell.Value < 0# Then
Cell.Value = Null
End If

Next Cell

End Sub

Can you please help me out??


Bob Phillips

You can't cledar the textbox after each one, else you will just fill the
arry (apart from th first cell) with nothing.

Private Sub TextBoxEnterData_Change()
For Each Cell In Worksheets("Data Sheet").Range("b44:j79")
cell.Value = TextBoxEnterData.Value
Next Cell

End Sub

Duke Carey

The line

Range("B44").Value = TextBoxEnterData.Value

needs to be

Cell.Value = TextBoxEnterData.Value

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