Excel Question Prevention



I have developed an excel file that customers will fill out questions, which
transfers that data to another excel file, converts to csv and distributes to
a printing facility. A problem that I am having, but do not know how to
correct is that customers are forgetting to answer some important questions.
How can I make excel not allow them to go forward without answering a
specific question?

Charles Chickering

That depends a great deal on how your program gathers the user's input. The
basic idea is to just check the input then spawn a message box if it's not
If TextBox1.Value = "" Or TextBox2.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Input Required"
End If

If you are using an InputBox to gather the data then you can use a loop to
check if it is empty:
strInput = InputBox("Type Something")
Loop Until strInput <> ""

If these solutions don't help you out reply back with more details on your


If you're using a userform for the input, don't let the user leave until it
satisfies all of your critieria:

'Validate form data
If Me![YourFirstRequiredTextbox] = "" Then
MsgBox "No value entered.", , "Missing Data"
' Exit the subroutine; clear memory of any objects
GoTo SubExit
End If

If all of them are similar, you can loop through the controls collection.

Hope that helps.

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