Excel Rejects Formula (Shaded Cells)




I have taken an existing Excel 2002 Invoice and used it as a starting point
to create new invoice.

Everything seems to work fine, except in the totals column I cannot enter
any formulae.

I am trying to use the following formula :


Basically, if there is a value in cell B26, then cell B26 is multiplied by
cell I26 to give the product.

The problem is I get the following error message when I try to enter the

"The shaded cells contain formulas and are automatically calculated by
Excel. DO NOT enter any information into them."

There are no 'shaded cells' anywhere on the invoice sheet that I can see and
I have tried selecting all the affected cells, right-clicking and selecting
'clear contents'. In fact, I've tried everything I can think of to clear
these cells, but I still can't enter any formula.

I guess the problem is a legacy from the invoice I used as a template
(which I think also ran an associated Visual Basic macro file).

Can anyone advise a way to resolve this problem?


Earl Kiosterud


This sounds like Data - Validation.

Earl Kiosterud

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This can only be done with Data Validation or VBA....
So select the cells, then go to Data---> Validation

Check to see if there is a set validation.
If not, go to Tools----> Macros -----> Play Macros

Then click on the macros and click edit, and look at them to see what they
are doing. Let me know if this works.


AKphidelt said:
This can only be done with Data Validation or VBA....
So select the cells, then go to Data---> Validation

Check to see if there is a set validation.
If not, go to Tools----> Macros -----> Play Macros

Then click on the macros and click edit, and look at
them to see what they are doing.

Let me know if this works.

Thanks to you and Earl for your help.

There was a Data Validation set that was causing the problem.

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