Excel running after close



I have written an Excel VBA Add-in function that is used in
myWorkbook.xls. The function
opens Word and uses a data in one of the myWorkbook.xls worksheets as
the database for filling in a Mail Merge fields in the Word document.
A complication is
Excel won't let me do this directly from the myWorkbook.xls worksheet.

The workaround was to copy the needed worksheet to a new temporary
workbook tempJCNAFormsWks.xls
and use it as the Mail Merge data source:

ChDir strMembershipDir
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fileName:=strMembershipDir &
"\tempJCNAFormsWks.xls", _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False

(invoke Word... )

After the invocation of Word finishes, I close and Kill

On Error GoTo 0
Set wdApp = Nothing
Kill strMembershipDir & "\tempJCNAFormsWks.xls"

That works great. The only problem is after saving myWorkbook.xls and
closing Excel I can still see
Excel.exe in the Wondows Task Manager.

Why is it doing this?



Gary''s Student

You may have more than one instance of Excel open. You would need to do
something like:

Sub leavit()
End Sub

in each instance.

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