Excel save takes 18 times longer than Windows Explorer copy - why?



Hi All

I have an Excel system with about 10 sheets and loads of VBA modules
and classes.

It resides on a network at my company's headquarters.

When I copy the file from my desktop to the server using Windows
Explorer drag and drop it takes about 6 seconds.

However if I open the Excel file from the server from my PC and save
it using Excel the save time is 90 seconds.

Is this normal? My users are complaining about the time it takes to
save after editing. It also means that they are not saving often and
are risking losing changes. Any thoughts?

If the length of my save is normal then what should I do to reduce the
size of my file for a quicker save? How much does VBA code add to the
file size or should I be looking at the size of each worksheet?


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