Excel saved a tempory file and deleted my workbook



Still using Excel 2000--didn't see the need to pay MS for a newer version of
Excel for this Windows XP box.

Today I opened a small workbook with 2 worksheets and I changed the color
background of 2 cells. When I tried to save the workbook, I got a message
from Excel that it was saving the workbook as a tempory file called 3AC06A00
(with no extension). So then I tried a File Save for the workbook (using
the original file name) and I got an error that the file was not saved.
Then I closed the workbook and went to the folder to look for the original
file, and I discovered that Excel had deleted the original file. I found
the 3AC06A00 file and double clicked it and it opened in Excel.

Any idea as to what caused Excel to save a tempory file and delete the
original xls file? (I had just ran a full anti-virus check and nothing came
up for any excel files.)


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